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PSHE Focused

UpFront Theatre Company workshops & plays cover issues included in the PSHE Suggested Programme of Study for KS2, KS3 & KS4.


UpFront Theatre Company are members of the PSHE Association; our products are constantly being re-developed to remain up to date with changes & updates to the PSHE Suggested Programme of Study & PSHE Association Guidelines.


Our products have been developed following the PSHE Curriculum and Ofsted Guidelines, so are designed to complement and strengthen your schools' PSHE Programme. They are split up as follows:


The Serious Chat Products - Core Theme 1 "Health & Well-Being"

The Awkward Chat Products - Core Theme 2 "Relationships"

The Open Chat Products - Core Theme 3 "Living in the Wider World"

From September 2020, the health education elements of PSHE education will be compulsory in all schools. The statutory changes also make Relationships Education compulsory for all key stage 1 and 2 pupils and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) compulsory for all pupils receiving secondary education, in all schools.

UpFront Theatre Company's products align with The PSHE Suggested Programme of Study & adhere to The PSHE Association's new Guidance. They are designed to enrich a school's PSHE Programme, helping a school put PSHE at the heart of their curriculum.

The Ofsted Report which triggered the changes said that teaching of PSHE was 'not good enough yet' & 'it is obvious from the report that teachers need more training and more support'

UpFront Theatre Company tackles the short-comings highlighted in Ofsted's report. & we agree with PSHE Association's observations that "teachers cannot be expected to have a complete and current knowledge covered by a comprehensive PSHE education programme... and therefore the use of visitors is an important part of most schools' programme"

The PSHE Association says "visitors have a novelty and we know the brain recalls novelty."

UpFront Theatre Company produce novel and exciting workshops that the students will be able to recall and put into practice in every day life.

Useful Links:

The PSHE Assocation:


The Sex Education Forum:


Anti Bullying Alliance:

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